I’m Davide, PhD student at Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble in the POLARIS group, under the supervision of Panayotis Mertikopoulos and Bary Pradelski.
My research deals with geometric aspects of learning and evolution in games; contact me at davide dot legacci at univ-grenoble-alpes dot fr or head over to my blog to find out more.
Research Code
- ⭐️ NEW – September 2024, paper accepted at NeurIPS 2024 (spotlight): No-regret Learning in Harmonic Games: Extrapolation in the Face of Conflicting Interests
- ⭐️ NEW – September 2024, abstract accepted at the Congrès des Jeunes Chercheur.es en Mathématiques Appliquées, Lyon.
- Winter term 2024 – 2025, teaching assistant for the course Probabilités et simulation, PolyTech INFO4, Grenoble
- July 2024, Spotlight poster at the International Conference on Machine Learning 2024, Vienna
- July 2024, Workshop on Learning in Games, Toulouse. Talk: Regularized Learning in Harmonic Games. SLIDES
- June 2024, Games and Artificial Intelligence Multidisciplinary Summer School 2024, Metz. Talk: Regularized Learning in Harmonic Games.
- 🚀 June 2024, First publication! A geometric decomposition of finite games: Convergence vs. recurrence under exponential weights, ICML ’24, selected as spotlight, in top 3.5% of all submissions
- June 2024, POLARIS seminar. Talk: Learning in Games with Conflicting Interests. SLIDES
- May 2024, second place 🥈 at the LIG PhD Madness day contest – Your Thesis in 180 seconds
- September 2023, SLMath. Talk: Recurrence vs Convergence – A Geometric Approach to Learning in Games. SLIDES
- 🚀 August – September 2023, visiting period at SLMath, University of California, Berkeley for the Mathematics and Computer Science of Market and Mechanism Design workshop.
- June 2023, Alpine Game Theory Symposium. SLIDES
- February 2023, POLARIS seminar. Talk: Hodge Decomposition for Normal Form Games. SLIDES
- 🚀 October 2023: Begin PhD at Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble
- June 2021, Symplectic Geometry Seminar. Talk: A dichotomy for the generalized Hamiltonian Lotka-Volterra system
- March 2021, RTG 2229 Seminar on Holomorphic dynamics à la Milnor. Talk: Leau-Fatou Flower Theorem
- December 2020, Symplectic Geometry Seminar. Talk: From Normal Form Games to Hamiltonian Evolutionary Dynamics
- November 2020, STRUCTURES Jour Fixe. Talk: Zero-sum evolutionary games and convex Hamiltonian systems. SLIDES
- October 2020, RTG 2229 Seminar on Topological K-Theory
- September 2020, Symplectic Geometry Seminar. Talk: The Poisson Geometry of Replicator Dynamics. SLIDES
- Summer term 2021, teaching assistant for the seminar “Geometric Quantization at Heidelberg University
- Summer term 2021, teaching assistant for the lecture “Differential Geometry 1” at Heidelberg University
- Winter term 2020-2021, seminar on “Mathematical Aspects of Classical Mechanics“
- 🚀 Fall 2020 – Spring 2022: Research assistant at STRUCTURES Excellence Cluster with Gabriele Benedetti, Heidelberg University
- 🚀 May 2020, Master of Science, Heidelberg University: Poisson geometry in Evolutionary Game Theory
- Summer term 2018, teaching assistant for the lecture “General Relativity” at Heidelberg University